hand coloured black and white photograph, 20 x 20cm (2018)

Salmon's Serrat series were made alongside her body of work Moon Bathing, and also developed during an artist residency at Can Serrat, Spain (2018). The series was taking in the Mont Serrat mountain range on 120mm black and white film and hand coloured using oils and inks.
The original hand painted photographs, have since been used to create Salmon's newest addition to this body of work- her mixed media sculpture Serrat (Salt Scree), giclee photographs, c-type photographs, clay, metal (2022). This work was developed for the exhibition Light's Trace with Caroline Jane Harris (2022).
Serrat (Salt Scree)
Mixed media sculpture: clay, steel, giclee photograph, c-type photographs
150 x 100 x 70cm
Serrat I, IV, III
Hand coloured black and white photograph, inks, clay, steel
20 x 20cm